I’m (so) not enough.
Why aren’t I achieving more?
Maybe I’m lazy.
Or… just not as smart / good / connected.
What the WHAT is this lovely (hideous) and supportive (diminishing) self-talk? Oh, it’s mine, actually. I found myself thinking this as I read through a WSJ profile on the founder of one of the biggest ecommerce / fashion platforms that ever was — and her new venture.
Is there someone who has this effect on you? Every time I read about the ever-inspiring Natalie Massenet, some kind of inadequacy alarm goes off inside me.
Maybe it’s because she was a writer/ editor / content maker, like me, but ascended it.
Maybe it’s because I knew her 15-years ago. She seemed smart and cool but not like the head of a fashion empire or a digital genius (which means it’s about hard work, nothing more or less.)
Or, maybe it’s because she was paid $150 million for her start-up. And that is depressingly awesome.
At the root of it is little to do with her and more to do with what she triggers for me, and what each of us needs to answer for ourselves:
Am I being true to what I want to do / build / offer to the world?
Triggers bring on existential angst, for so many reasons.
But hopefully you recognize yours, as I recognize (and hereby confess) mine, which is half of getting over them. But I’m thankful for her existence and frequent reminder of what I’ve done, not done, and still want to do.
Even though she really does get me every time.