No one really teaches us how to ask for things (I just realized.) When you’re a kid, you’re supposed to put a “please” in front of your questions, but that’s about all the training we get. Women, in particular, haven’t had a lot of conditioning in asking for what they want or even what they need. Many of us know what we want, but do not know how to ask for it.
This muscle was put to the test recently when I started a personal project that includes asking for something from a few women I really admire, who are really busy, and who don’t have time for much extra — to do something for me.
What if they say no?
Or worse, what if they want to say no, but don’t know how?
Or maybe the worstest — what if they just say nothing?
The art of asking comes down to being specific about why someone’s input / contribution / introduction — whatever — is so important to your process. The more you can shine the light on why her, why now, why for this — the more likely she’ll see her power in changing your life, and…say yes.
So that’s what I did. And yes, they said yes! #yassss
Now, can I ask you for a favor? You can help me with this project by following @smartypeopleblog on Instagram, because followership matters to the gatekeepers-that-be.
Since you are the ones who have made this blog popular and viral and known to women from Poland to Paris to the Palisades, I think you are also the ones who will help move it to the next iteration.
Thank. You. So. Much. !!!