I learned something about birds that was kinda interesting recently. They see best in black and white, so when you first get a feeder, the best way to let them know it’s there and ready to feast on is to put seeds that are black and white inside. Despite being a bit messier, it’s the fastest way for them to see it, and the best way to build your “bird posse”. After that, add seed that leaves fewer shells, and in any color you like.
Clients and customers are the same way. The marketplace is crowded – we have to be crystal clear with our message, our offering, our value – we have to make it black and white to even get people’s attention. If it isn’t absolutely clear, it’s a client who keeps clicking….right on past your products or service.
Once you have a client or customer, as everyone knows, it’s a lot easier to keep ’em! So how do you drive the flock? Having a sales person is one way.
Check out some of our virtual offerings coming up in the next few weeks – especially our SALES webinar with Stephanie Barrymore. She’s going to tackle some amazing questions about structuring relationships with sales people – specifically if you’re a service provider. She’ll answer:
– When is it time to hire a sales person?
– How do you structure the relationship financially?
– How do you hire the right person – based on experience or rolodex?
– How do you manage them and set metrics for success?
– When do you let them go or determine it’s not working?
– How much training do they need?
– What kind of uptick in revenue can you expect and how long will it take?
I like what Stephanie’s presenting because we so often get it for product people, but hardly ever for service professionals.